
Monitoring the Catholic Nature of the School

Main points from the Monitoring Visit February 2022
The last S48 Inspection was carried out in 2018 by Helen Brown. In February 2022, she carried out an interim visit and was very positive about the school.
Here are her main points from the visit.
Religious Education has a high status in the school. High expectations have been established through work across core subjects.  The system of monitoring and assessment of RE is clear, thorough and in line with other core subjects. The RE Lead Governor provides challenge and support to the RE Lead and has strong links to the parish. The outdoor environment is being developed to reflect the school's commitment to Catholic Social Teaching and care for our Common Home and environment.  Links with the parish are strengthening and Monsignor Keith frequently visits the school.
Catholic Life and Mission
The Mission Statement has been redefined through collective discussion .
Live, Love and Learn together. Growing with God, in knowledge and faith' is a strong statement that clearly defines the purpose of St. Catherine's as a Catholic School.
Catholic Life starts at the front desk where, as a visitor you are greeted warmly and given all the necessary information needed.  The children were engaged in their learning, the atmosphere was calm, behaviour was good.  There was a warmth and openness in each class visited.
St. Catherine's has lovely grounds. The school's commitment to the Common Good is reflected in the use of the grounds. The grounds provide an ideal location for liturgy and worship.
The Pupil Chaplains have been commissioned and now have a purpose.
Religious Education
The RE Lead at St. Catherine's has worked to ensure all staff are confident in teaching Religious Education.
There is a consistency of expectation across planning and assessment.  Assessment is thorough and on-going. The children spoken to were able to explain what they had been learning. They were proud of their books. They were articulate and confident in conversation. Most understood the theology behind what they were being taught.  There was a diet of activities given to children to engage them in their learning. 
Collective Worship: Prayer and Liturgy
The children could talk about the weekly rhythm of prayer life throughout the week.