Religious Education Policy
Our Mission
At St Catherine’s our mission is to
‘Live, Love and Learn Together
The family of St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School helps everyone to do their best, to work hard together in a place of love, warmth and safety, following the teachings of Jesus.
- Work hard to be the best we can be, celebrating and enjoying our achievements.
- Love, value and respect each other as Jesus taught us.
- Reach out to those who need us both near and far.
- Say sorry with honesty and courage and learn to forgive each other.
- Create a happy atmosphere, lasting friendships and wonderful memories.
- Create an environment where we feel spiritually, emotionally and physically safe, and our thoughts and feelings are listened to.
As a school, we understand that the primary goal in religious education is to help pupils come to know and experience God through learning about and reflecting on the life of Jesus. It provides opportunities to reflect on fundamental questions of life and develop values and beliefs through exploration of the Gospel. Children and staff are encouraged to live out these beliefs and values in the daily life of our school.
Aims & Objectives:
The aims of Religious Education at St Catherine’s are:
- To invite children to form a personal relationship with Jesus.
- To support children to grow in their knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith and life.
- To provide children with opportunities for prayer and reflection.
- To develop children’s ability to listen, to think critically, to question, to reflect and to make informed judgements.
- To encourage children to see themselves as part of the wider parish and world community.
- To encourage children to learn about and respect the beliefs and traditions of other major world faiths.
- While Catholic in nature, the RE learning journey at St Catherine’s welcomes, respects and celebrates those from all faiths and none.
Prayer and worship is central to daily life at St Catherine’s. Morning, lunchtime and end of day prayer takes place in all classes across the school. After lunch each day, we have Christian meditation in class. There is a deep need in our world for stillness, simplicity and silence and we give our children an opportunity to have a special time to be still and silent with God.
Collective Worship happens as a whole school during Monday Liturgies and is led by the Head teacher with support from the GIFT Team - Growing In Faith Together. They will usually be based around the key theme of the Gospel of the previous Sunday (ie listening, forgiveness, love, compassion etc).
Mass takes place half-termly alternating between church and school. Each Key Stage 2 class takes it in turn to be responsible for the Mass. Parents, parishioners and extended family are warmly invited to attend.
Prayer & Worship Timetable:
Monday - Liturgy and celebration of our Values
Thursday - Whole School Liturgy/ Worship
Friday - Celebration Assembly