
Religious Education

Religious Education is at the heart of life at St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School where the children learn Christian values and faith through worship, prayer and the curriculum. Children are given opportunities to hear the Gospel, learn about the faith of the Church and enjoy the experience of the Christian Community of their school and parish.

Father Keith celebrates Mass with the pupils, staff and parents of the school half-termly and these are alternated between church and school. Members of the parish community are welcomed to celebrate with the children.
The Liturgy is given a high priority as a school activity and parents are welcome to celebrate with the children. Prayers are said daily in class and in assemblies. The Liturgical seasons are observed, with special Church feasts and Holy days being celebrated, sometimes together with the parish. 
More details are available in the Catholic Life section.  Parents are now able to join their children to celebrate class liturgies in school again and dates will soon be available for parents and parishioners to join us for special Nurture Breakfasts in order to find out how we celebrate our community together.
Interim Monitoring - February 2022 (an update to the Canonical Inspection - S48, June 2018)
2018 and previously...