Our Team
Mrs Dickson enjoys helping children foster curiosity and develop problem-solving skills. She values the importance of being creative and the positive impact that this has on a child's independence and sense of self-worth.
Mrs Wilson has extensive experience in Key Stage and creates a welcoming and supportive learning environment. She is quick to see where help is needed and runs our interventions.
Mr Hiatt understands that our students learn at different paces and encourages them with constructive feedback. He helps with all the schools' sporting events.
We love books and discussing ideas to help challenge the way we think. We are a friendly team and enjoy working with our students to help them become confident and independent learners.
Class school council representatives.
P.E. is on a Monday with our sports coach and Friday with the class teacher. Please come into school wearing your P.E. kit.
Weekly spellings are tested on a Friday.
Please read as often as possible.
IXL tasks are set on a Friday. The login and password are in your child's reading record.