
Our School Uniform

(Please ensure all items of clothing are named) 
New to You uniform can be purchased from the school office. 
- White shirt or blouse 
- Grey skirt or pinafore 
- Grey trousers or black trousers (boys & girls) (not tracksuit or jean type trousers) 
- Royal blue pullover or cardigan with school logo 
- Polo shirts 
- Blue and white checked dress (optional for summer) 
- Grey or white socks 
- Grey tights (optional for winter) 
- School tie 
- Navy or dark coloured coat or coat with school logo 
- Black or dark coloured shoes (no trainers) 
- Logo printed book bags 
- Waterproof Clothing Reception and Key Stage 1 
PE kit 
- Trainers for outdoor sport 
- Navy or grey shorts 
- White T Shirt with round neck 
- Plain black/navy sweatshirt and jogging bottoms 
- P.E. Bag 
- Swimming Kit - costume, towel  ( KS2 only) 
For safety reasons the only item of jewellery that may be worn is a watch. 
Everything should be clearly marked with your child’s name.